
Bring the jungles of Enderas to the center of the table for your next Doomlings game! 

The Overlush Community Playmat is designed to be the centerpiece of a Doomlings game. This vibrant neoprene playmat is intended to hold the trait deck, discard pile, ages pile, and individual eras -- everything shared between players in a game of Doomlings.  

Approx. 11" x 22" (28cm x 56cm). Artwork based on the Birth of a Hero age.

Goes great with the individual playmats!  

(Doomlings playmats do not contain latex.)


***Limited Supply...  Available while supplies last

Overlush Community Playmat


Bring the jungles of Enderas to the center of the table for your next Doomlings game! 

The Overlush Community Playmat is designed to be the centerpiece of a Doomlings game. This vibrant neoprene playmat is intended to hold the trait deck, discard pile, ages pile, and individual eras -- everything shared between players in a game of Doomlings.  

Approx. 11" x 22" (28cm x 56cm). Artwork based on the Birth of a Hero age.

Goes great with the individual playmats!  

(Doomlings playmats do not contain latex.)


***Limited Supply...  Available while supplies last