New Icons!
We wanted to take some time to walk you through the different sections of the rulesheet that we find most helpful! First up is the "Helpful Icons" section. There are 5 different icons to help you better understand the different cards:
- Action Icon
- Play When Icon
- World's End Effect Icon
- Drop of Life Icon
- and finally the Expansion ID Icons
Being able to recognize these icons will help with more efficient gameplay!

Dominant Traits Expanded:
Everyone knows you're only allowed to have two Dominant Traits, right? Weeeeell, every now and again the stars align for the "Birth of a Hero" triple-Dominant surprise! We explain that scenario in the rulesheet.

Worst Case Scenarios: Unplayable Hands
Here we clarify one very important rule: if you are able to, you MUST play a trait. Even if that trait isn't good for your trait pile.
However, there are certainly scenarios where you simply do not have any playable traits. In these rare occasions, follow the rules outlined in this section!

Game Variants:
Throughout the playtesting process we had tons of suggestions regarding gameplay; how to make games shorter or longer more easily, how often first player switches, and even a suggestion regarding card drafting to start the game! We loved these suggestions so much, we added them to the "Game Variants" section of the rulesheet on page 3. While Doomlings is optimized for the current rules, once you've played the game a few times we implore you to try the variants and let us know how you like them!

Attachments and Techlings:
With the addition of the Techlings Expansion comes a handful of new game mechanics and rules. Namely: the "Attachments" effect. Any Traits with the Attach effect are played into your trait pile unless otherwise stated. The must however, attach to a "Host Trait".
"Host Traits" are traits that do not currently have any attachments. Dominant traits CANNOT be host traits. Traits with the attach effect can also not be Host Traits.

The Meaning of Life Expansion:
Like most of us, Doomlings also contemplate their existence. Enter: The Meaning of Life Expansion. For more advanced players, add this expansion to give your game a twist in the form of: hidden objectives.
At the beginning of the game, setup as usual, however, shuffle the Meaning of Life deck and deal two cards to each player. Everyone secretly keeps one card and discards the other to the game box. Fulfill your hidden objective by the end of the game to score extra points!

And Finally...
Thank you, thank you, thank you for your unyielding support of Doomlings. We're looking forward to keeping you updated with the product reveals as we receive them! Let us know what you think in the Kickstarter updates section, on our Shopify blog posts, or in the Doomlings Community Facebook Group!
With Love,
Justus, Andrew, Chris, Eric & Team Doomlings