Doomlings National Championship 2025

Doomlings National Championship 2025

Doomlings National Championship 2025

We're so excited to announce that we are holding our FIRST EVER National Doomlings Championship this year! 25+ qualifying Doomlings tournaments will be held across the U.S. from now until Gen Con in 2025.

Winners of the qualifying tournaments will each receive: a trophy, a $25 Doomlings store credit, and a 4-day pass to Gen Con to compete in the Doomlings National Championship FINALS in 2025.

The Doomlings National Championship winner will receive: a trophy, a $250 Doomlings store credit, AND...a COMPLETE set of CGC-graded 1st-edition Doomlings holofoils!

We will be sharing more info about the upcoming qualifying tournaments closer to each convention's date. Keep an eye on our social media accounts and this blog post for more updates! 

Upcoming Doomlings Qualifying Tournaments:

Gamestorm Portland, OR
Saturday, March 22nd
Badges  |   Tournament Sign-Ups

Great Plains Game Festival Lincoln, NE

Saturday, March 29th
Badges   |   Tournament Sign-Ups

Tennessee Game Days Spring Franklin, TN
Saturday, March 29th
Badges*  |   Tournament Sign-Ups @ Event



*Tennessee Game Days badges are unfortunately already sold out, but you can enter a waitlist on their website or by contacting

Doomlings National Championship Finals:

Gen Con Indianapolis, IN
July 31st - August 3rd (Date & Time TBA) - Indianapolis, IN


Past Doomlings Qualifying Tournaments:

Meeple-a-thon Kansas City, MO
Winner: Coleman Crenshaw

KublaCon Fall Santa Clara, CA
Winner: Scott Williams

Tabletop Oahu  Honolulu, HI
Winner: Jerry Bower

Midwinter Gaming Con Pewaukee, WI 
Winner: Jackson Decora

SaltCON Bryce Bryce Canyon City, UT
Winner: Kayla Nicoll

Dice + Diversions Atlanta, GA
Winner: Max Loudermilch

TantrumCon Charlotte, NC
Winner: Alissa Respet

Platypus-Con Juneau, AK
Winner: Ronin

 Warwick, RI
Winner: Scott Sommer

Atlanta Game Fest Atlanta, GA
Winner: Landon

Dreamation Morristown, NJ
Winner: Mary Bishop

SaltCON Spring Layton, UT
Winner: Alyxandra Johnson

Gamicon Selenium Coralville, IA
Winner: Alex Bartels

Lexington Comic Con Lexington, KY
Winner: TBA

Dice Tower West Las Vegas, NV
Winner: TBA


Frequently Asked Questions:

How do I enter?
This is determined individually at each hosting convention, based on how they handle their events. Some conventions only have in-person sign-up forms, some use an app or website, and others use physical or electronic ticketing systems. 

If there are leftover spots for the qualifying tournaments, there will also be physical paper sign-up sheets at each tournament for last-minute sign-ups.

Please visit the convention’s website or ask a convention rep for more information! Links for each conventions’ website can be found above in the qualifying tournaments list.


Are the tournaments only in the United States?
Yes, the first-ever Doomlings National Championship is being held at U.S. locations only. However, you do not need to be a U.S. citizen to participate! Anybody from anywhere can participate, as long as you attend the convention where a qualifying tournament is being held. Be aware that if you win a qualifying tournament, that hotel and travel to the Gen Con finals will not be covered.


Are there any age restrictions?
No. Doomlings is recommended for ages 10 and up, but anyone of any age can enter a tournament! 


Is there an entry fee?
You will need to buy a badge to attend the convention on the day a qualifying tournament is being held. Other than that, Doomlings National Championship events are free at every convention, except at Gen Con: which charges a $2 fee.


Do I need to bring anything to the qualifying tournaments?
All you need to bring is your convention pass, and a form of identification. We will provide everything you need to play the game.


Will there be Doomlings expansions included in the tournaments?
All tournaments, including the final National Championship tournament at Gen Con, will be played ONLY with the base Doomlings game. There will be no additional expansions added.


What is the format for the qualifying tournaments/Gen Con finals?
Each tournament will consist of two preliminary rounds in which all participants play. The winners of the preliminary rounds will then advance to elimination play, down to the final player.


Can one person attend multiple qualifying tournaments?
Yes. But they can only qualify once (in other words, they can't win a second Gen Con badge for a companion).


Is there a minimum number of players that must participate in the qualifier?
At least 8 players must participate in the first round of a qualifier, for the champion to be able to win a free badge to Gen Con 2025. 


Who is judging the tournaments?
Convention and event staff will be judging the tournaments.


How long will the tournaments last?
Each tournament will be about four hours long, from start to final winner.


Is travel and hotel to Gen Con covered if I win a qualifying tournament?
No, travel and hotel stays are not included. However, winners of the qualifying tournaments will win a four-day pass to Gen Con.


What is Gen Con?
For over 55 years Gen Con has been the largest and longest-running gaming convention in North America. Founded in 1967 by Dungeons and Dragons co-creator Gary Gygax, Gen Con now attracts tens of thousands of attendees from around the world to Indianapolis for “The Best Four Days in Gaming”.


When and where is Gen Con?
Gen Con is from July 31 through August 3, 2025. It is held at the Indianapolis Convention Center in Indianapolis, Indiana.


Please contact for any questions or concerns!


Qualifying Tournament Winners:




  • Ahhhh this is so exciting! Can’t wait to see you there!

    Alyxandra Johnson on

  • So happy everyone is excited!! Let’s gooooo

    Jess from Doomlings on


    Mimi on

  • WOOOOOOO YEA!!!!!!!

    Meowy on

  • This is AAaaaaaaMAZING

    Eric Seibold on

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