Overlush Contest Announcement!

Overlush Contest Announcement!

Overlush Contest Announcement!

We're excited to announce a NEW contest open to backers of our Overlush Kickstarter campaign.


The Doomlings have arrived on Earth. They're looking to set up camp in a place that makes them feel at home. They need your help to make it happen. 
doomlings character playing
You all continue to knock it out of the park when it comes to Stretch Goals! Here are the latest items that have been unlocked:
A new selection of 1st player medallions will be available in the add-on store after the campaign closes!

Joining MANE in the lineup are RAINBOW SCUTES, everybody's favorite flying space turtle; ELUSIVE, the official mascot of Overlush; and EPIC, a powerful new dominant trait.
SHINY TOTEM has been added to the set of Kickstarter Exclusive cards that currently includes HOWLER MONKEY and AXOLOTL.

Card art, effects and other details coming soon!
In classic Doomlings fashion, all of the KSE cards unlocked through Stretch Goals will now be holofoils!
Putting these new things out into the world is as fun as it is because we get to experience them with you all.

Thank you so much for your support. Here's to the weeks ahead!

With love,

Justus, Andrew, Eric, Chris & Team Doomlings

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